is an open platform for climbing guides and maps. Topos and photos are stored in OpenStreetMap and Wikipedia projects, so they can be edited by anyone.

Climbing Route (start)

Shish Kebob

The farthest route right. Starts a few meters left of the pine tree and follow a right arching line of tightly spaced bolts. The last moves are the crux but the very top is a bucket. This route was really spicy before the broken pine limbs were trimmed.
climbing grade (UIAA)

Wszystkie dane mapy pochodzą z OpenStreetMap, mapy tworzonej przez miliony współtwórców — podobnie jak Wikipedia. Możesz odnaleźć przycisk Edycji w każdym elemencie mapy.

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Node version 6 2021-08-20xyz32

45.46725° -74.33236° (CA)