free climbing guides free climbing guides is an open platform for climbing guides and maps. Topos and photos are stored in OpenStreetMap and Wikipedia projects, so they can be edited by anyone.
Climbing Route (start)
Sputnik [aka Nickie's Dickie]
Start atop the Anal Intruder, grab a couple of jagged hold. Now fire up the overhang past 2 bolts and slap for a jug on the arete [crux]. Finish easily in the right facing dihedral. If top roping this one beware of the rope stretch and the large boulder a
climbing grade (UIAA)Node dans OpenStreetMap
Node dans OpenStreetMap
Toutes les données proviennent de OpenStreetMap, une carte créée par des millions de bénévoles – similaire à Wikipedia. Vous trouverez un bouton Modifier sur chaque élément de la carte.