free climbing guides free climbing guides is an open platform for climbing guides and maps. Topos and photos are stored in OpenStreetMap and Wikipedia projects, so they can be edited by anyone.
Climbing Area
Climbing sectors in Dachstein
Climbing Crag
Highway Feature
Highway Feature
Schöberl6 routes
Überdachte Doline2 routes
Simony Huette3 routes
Scheiblingstein1 routes
Klettergarten Zughalswand Sektor A-B1 routes
Klettergarten Zughalswand Sektor C1 routes
Klettergarten Türlspitz Sektor A1 routes
Klettergarten Türlspitz Sektor B1 routes
Klettergarten Türlspitz1 routes
Irg II1 routes
Anna Klettersteig1 routes
Krippenstein5 routes
Niederer Krippenstein2 routes
Gjaid Alm1 routes
Klettergarten Wiesberghaus1 routes
Hoher Dachstein3 routes
Koppenkarstein4 routes
Hunerscharte3 routes
Hirzkarwand1 routes
Relation in OpenStreetMap database
Relation in OpenStreetMap database
All map data is from OpenStreetMap, a map created by millions of contributors — similar to Wikipedia. You can find Edit button on each map feature.