free climbing guides free climbing guides is an open platform for climbing guides and maps. Topos and photos are stored in OpenStreetMap and Wikipedia projects, so they can be edited by anyone.
Climbing Area
Climbing sectors in Ostgrat
Omas Kegel und Fratzofels1 routes
Spiegel1 routes
Pentagonfels1 routes
Namenloser Turm1 routes
Schwarzer Turm1 routes
Vergessener Turm1 routes
Geisterschiff1 routes
Rawazzerfels1 routes
Hörnliturm und Plattenwandl1 routes
Fratzofels1 routes
Nilpferdrücken1 routes
Sinowatzfels1 routes
Flammenplatte1 routes
Abendlichtplatte1 routes
Sitting Bull1 routes
Bettinaturm1 routes
Relation in OpenStreetMap database
Relation in OpenStreetMap database
All map data is from OpenStreetMap, a map created by millions of contributors — similar to Wikipedia. You can find Edit button on each map feature.