free climbing guides free climbing guides is an open platform for climbing guides and maps. Topos and photos are stored in OpenStreetMap and Wikipedia projects, so they can be edited by anyone.
Climbing sectors in Schneeberg
Stadelwand5 routes
Vordere Stadelwand2 routes
Mittagstein2 routes
Gamsgartlgrat1 routes
Bürklesteig1 routes
Oberer Herminensteig3 routes
Nandlgrat3 routes
Grossofen2 routes
Krieg und Frieden1 routes
Magie des Bösen1 routes
Verlorenen Turm1 routes
Atlantis1 routes
Weichtalklamm1 routes
Hochgang-Westwand2 routes
Feiertagsststein1 routes
Lärchkogelgrat1 routes
Novembergrat1 routes
Relation in OpenStreetMap database
Relation in OpenStreetMap database
All map data is from OpenStreetMap, a map created by millions of contributors — similar to Wikipedia. You can find Edit button on each map feature.