free climbing guides free climbing guides is an open platform for climbing guides and maps. Topos and photos are stored in OpenStreetMap and Wikipedia projects, so they can be edited by anyone.
Climbing Area
Lincoln Woods Bouldering
Climbing sectors in Lincoln Woods Bouldering
The Heart
Pond Cave Parking Boulder
The Egg
Peace Dove Boulder
Unattached Stone / Boulder
Climbing Crag
Tuolumne Boulder
Try Again Boulder
Ship Rock
Warm Up Cave
Iron Cross Boulder
Mack's Traverse
Lower Heart
Pond Cave
Fatboy Boulder
Jade Boulder
Iron Boulder
Perched Boulder
Spaceship Boulder
Yosemite Boulder
Tombstone Boulder
Unattached Stone / Boulder
Unattached Stone / Boulder
Unattached Stone / Boulder
Unattached Stone / Boulder
Font Boulder
Tomato Boulder
Buddy Boulder
Bear Hug Boulder
Unattached Stone / Boulder
Unattached Stone / Boulder
Unattached Stone / Boulder
Unattached Stone / Boulder
Pinnacle Boulder
Unattached Stone / Boulder
Summit Wall
Sit Down Boulders2 routes
Druid Stones2 routes
Relation in OpenStreetMap database
Relation in OpenStreetMap database
All map data is from OpenStreetMap, a map created by millions of contributors — similar to Wikipedia. You can find Edit button on each map feature.